Channel: Fujiya – Enjoy Snacks in Japan

[Fujiya] Milky /”[不二家]ミルキー”


There are some most popular candies which can be called as standard though, nothing is bigger than this “Milky” This Milky started selling in 1951, the time Japan was still struggling to get out from the hard time after war. The founder of a western confectionery shop Fujiya, which has become a large company established this unique taste after much trial and error.


The package of Milky is like this. Today, I chose the most popular package which contains 120g. What is outstanding is the character of this candy, Peko-chan. Peko-chan would be just a character of this Milky but, she now has become the character of the company itself. That means, the history of Fujiya cannot be separated with Milky.


Let’s open. It’s full of candies covered in paper.


It will be like this if I arrange those in line.


You can see Peko-chan on this paper also. Sometimes, you can find another paper which is decorated with the pattern of four-leaf clover that is considered as a lucky item in Japan.


And it is also believed that you are lucky if you find eleven-faced paper with no face is cut at the end of the paper.
I found it. I’ve gotta keep!



The candy is like this. Looking at photo, it’s hard to tell the feeling though, it’s not so hard as hard candies. It’s like between candy and caramel and you can choose whether you bite it or keep it in your mouth. But you should be careful for filling on your teeth not to be removed for this is rather sticky. It’s universal that sweet things sometimes bite you.



-Nutrition facts (per bag (120g))


Energy :434kcal
Protein :3.7g
Total fat :6.4g
Carbohydrates :205g
Sodium :136mg

-Allergy ingredients

Shrimp Crab Buckwheat Flour Egg Milk Peanut

4.Snack Information

Name: Milky ”ミルキー”
Maker: Fujiya
Net: 120g
Price: 250 JPY
Where you can buy: super markets, convenience stores etc.

[as of November 2015]

[Fujiya] Baskin Robbins chocolate /”[不二家] サーティワンアイスクリーム チョコレート”


Today we introduce new product!! It’s sold from November 2015!
Do you know Baskin Robbins?
This snack has two most famous flavor of Baskin Robbins,
Let’s try!


There are two parts, Red and Green.
We could understand there are two flavors.
IMGP6154The flavor is “Berry berry strawberry” and “Popping shower”.
This is a picture of ice cream. Looks nice!

It says there are about 9 pieces.
What’s about??

Anyway, let’s see backside.
IMGP6156Just composition and nutrition.
Let’s open it!
IMGP6157So colorful! Excited! 
But the most surprising thing is…IMGP6158Only 8 pieces!!!!!
Maybe it means each piece is more and more tasty than normal one.


Each small package has one chocolate.
IMGP6159“Berry” one has an image of flower and “pop” one has line.
Inside is like this.
IMGP6160It’s so colorful and looks like ice cream.
Let’s taste.

First one is berry berry strawberry.
It’s combination of many strawberry, dried one with cream!
So sweet and tastes like ice cream!

The next is popping shower.
Once in your mouth, it sounds like “pati-pati”.
It’s fun!!

Both of them have retro flavor!


-There is a nutrition of each piece.
IMGP6156-2Berry berry strawberry(1piece 3.9g)/Popping shower(1piece 4.8g)
Energy :24kcal/24kcal
Protein :0.2g/0.3g
Total fat :1.7g/1.5g
Carbohydrates :1.9g/2.9g
Sodium :2mg/3mg
*It’s quite small…

-Allergy ingredients

Shrimp Crab Buckwheat Flour Egg Milk Peanut

*Soy beans are included.
*This is made by the factory of using egg and peanuts.

4.Snack Information

Name: Baskin Robbins chocolate “サーティワンアイスクリームチョコレート”
Maker: Fujiya
Net: 38g(about 9 pieces)
Price: 200 JPY
Where you can buy: supermarket, convenience store etc.

[as of Dec 2015]

[Fujiya]Country MA’AM strawberry/ [不二家]カントリーマアム いちご


Country MA’AM is famous brand as soft cookie product.

But few days ago I found Country MA’AM chocolate strawberry flavor in SEVEN ELEVEn, biggest convenience store chain in Japan.

It’s limited-time product.
Let’s check it!


Country MA’AM chocolate is made by FUJIYA.
“カントリーマアム” means Country MA’AM,
“チョコレート” means chocolate,
“いちご” means strawberry.

2015-12-16 17.12.25

On backside net is 40g, and 1 piece is average 4.7g.
So, 40g/4.7g = 8.51063…

8.5 is middle of 8 and 9, as you know.
This includes 8 or 9 pieces in 1 package.

2015-12-16 17.12.37

How many chocolates in this package?


Open and count!

1, 2, 3,…

Yes!! I got 9!! I’m lucky.
There are 9 small chocolate in 1 package.

2015-12-16 17.13.32

I cut by knife, cross-section is like this.
On the face of package, there is picture of cross section, but it’s not same 😀

2015-12-16 17.14.40

There are strong smell of strawberry candy.
I don’t feel soft cookie texture, but it’s good as strawberry chocolate.


2015-12-16 17.12.43

-Nutrition facts (per x.x g (xx))

Total fat:xxg

-Allergy ingredients

Shrimp Crab Buckwheat Flour Egg Milk Peanut

Soybean is also included.

4.Snack Information

Name: Country MA’AM chocolate strawberry ”カントリーマアム チョコレート いちご”
Maker: Fujiya
Net: 40g
Price: 130 JPY
Where you can buy: Grocery store, convenience store etc.

[as of Dec 2015]

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